Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Lifted Up

Often, I tell people that I will be "lifting them into God's presence" as a way of saying I will pray for them. It seems so trite to say that – like God would somehow be busy watching a basketball game and would not otherwise notice their angst.

I suppose what I mean is that I'm throwing my lot in with them in this conversation, opening myself to be shown where my role is. I'm honoring the threads that connect my life and heart with theirs. THAT's what I think happens when you chose to pray for somebody else's circumstances, whether we recognize it or not.

If we told people that, about what prayer is and does, I wonder if some of them would stop doing it so much, or at least think long and hard before saying that they are doing it.

What do you think?

© 2015 Todd Jenkins


  1. wonderful point and, yes, we would hesitate.

  2. If I knew the half of anything, I'd probably think long and hard about all things. Prayer is one of those funny things to me as it seems to be tossed about like love and in the tossing we lose the meaning.
