Sunday, June 21, 2015

Prayers June 21, 2015

Prayers of the People 2015-06-21

Creator of all that was, all that is, and all that will ever be, remind us that you are also listener to our dreams; not only our dreams, but the dreams of all creation. Flinger of stars and planets into the heavens, remind us that you are also the architect of each of our strands of DNA; not only our DNA, but architect of the DNA of the whole world, from beginning to end. Weaver of all galaxies, remind us that you are also knitter of our families and community; not only our family and community, but also seamstress of every family and community on the planet.

And THIS – this fully-enveloped reality of all life and love by which you surround us – is the reason that we dare to come to you this morning with our concerns and joys, our hopes and dreams.

We can scarcely connect to the outside world without hearing about violence, destruction, oppression, and death across the globe, so we know that there are your children – our sisters and brothers – in many places who are simply trying to hang-on this morning. There are family members, friends, neighbors, and co-workers of ours – and others we barely know, if at all – who have been flattened by recent circumstances of life and by the systems of governments and societies.

For some, death has sprung suddenly, as a monster from under the bed. Disease and illness have wrapped themselves around others, as a constrictor, slowly suffocating them and their loved ones, until there is hardly any breath left. For still others, it is relational or occupational disconnect that has whipped-up anxiety and stirred-up uncertainty. Actual storms of wind, water, or fire are at some doorsteps, and metaphorical storms, causing seismic shifts, crack others’ foundations.

We have seen another head of the serpent of racism rear its ugly head in Charleston this past week, taking the lives of 9 who were gathered in their church for Bible Study. Hear our prayers, O Lord, as we listen to their names:

Surround Emanuel AME’s congregation and community with your comforting love in the midst of their shock and grief. Give Charleston, and all of us who follow your son, our risen savior, the tenacity and courage to insist that we make meaningful changes in the way our society lives, interacts, and treats one another, so these 9 will not have died in vain.

There are also many things for which we lift up praise to you this morning: good news that has come in the form of wellness… health… healing… reconciliation… and opportunities of all sorts. For your blessings that often overflow so much that we risk taking them for granted, we give you thanks.

We pray your continued guidance on the pastors, staff, leaders, and congregation of this church. As they seek to follow your will in this particular place and time, make the whisper of your Holy Spirit’s guidance clear.

These and all prayers we offer in the name of our risen Lord, who taught his disciples to pray as we now join our voices together, praying: Our father…

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