Thursday, May 21, 2015

Power Lifting

I found this one in an old prayer journal while cleaning out my study (originally journaled 4-1-2003). 
Photo by Lee Lindsey McKinney
Weight of the world
precariously balanced
on shoulders too narrow,
too weak to bear such mass.

Sweating, straining, shaking,
determined not to fail;
loud and clear the message:
Will and way must meet.

Yet, another voice pleads
a very different case:
The solar system did just fine
for eons without your help.

Let the earth spin its wobbly path
just the way I planned
so you can sing
and dance upon it
in my gift of joy to you.

Let go of God's work;
spend your energy becoming
the universe's gift of creation
by living love and hope.

So much lighter the step
when the world is released;
double-spinning 'round the sun
to embrace life's light and dark.

© 2015 Todd Jenkins


  1. Dance on, and spin and laugh and love.

  2. A diamond in the rough that is your office shelves!

  3. I'm sure my inability to fall asleep last night and my very early rising needed to read these words. Thank you.

  4. So my mind goes ... way too much "cardio" in my life, not enough strength training!
