Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sacred Places

 When you find them—or maybe it is when they find you—you know it. Following is a story that I found and saved some time ago. It is not my story, and I am not sure of this version’s author:

 There is a wonderful Hasidic story about the child of a rabbi who used to wander in the woods. At first his father let him go, but over time he became concerned.  The woods were dangerous; who knew what could be lurking there?  He decided to discuss the matter with his son.  One day he took him aside and said, “You know, I have noticed that each day you go out into the woods.  I wonder, why do you go there?”
The boy answered his father, “I go there to find God.”
That is a very good thing,” the father replied gently.  “I am glad you are searching for God.  But, my child, don’t you know that God is the same everywhere?”
“Yes,” the boy answered, “but I am not.”       

NaCoMe is one of my sacred places. It is one of the places where I have found myself and others “being” in a different, sacred way. I cannot explain why this is so. I am not even sure I want to explain it. I would rather just experience it—revel in it on occasion.

I was there today, briefly. It was not long enough, and yet it was long enough. I wanted to stay, but I didn’t. Even though it was a brief stay and I am no longer there, I have been refreshed. I have renewed that NaCoMe-Space within.

May you recognize, return to, and revel in your sacred places this summer.

© 2011 Todd Jenkins


  1. Fall Creek Falls is one of the places where I can breathe and just be, but just about anywhere where I can hear the sound of rushing creeks or waterfalls seems to do the trick. Thanks for the reminder to get myself there this summer.

  2. I forwarded this to Patrick... I know that he has similar NaCoMe feelings!

  3. I have two NaCoMes. One is where I meet God early in the mornings, on the floor of my studio (also a Sunroom), and another is in the midst of his Saints. God Bless you.
