Friday, June 10, 2011


My truck is a 5 speed. As I move into sabbatical, it feels like I am trying to learn to downshift. For the past 15 years (21 if you count Fort Valley, GA) I have tried to operate in pastor-overdrive mode. Now I am trying to learn how NOT to operate in pastor-overdrive for a while, so that, when we (you and I) shift back into it in August, we will not only have more energy and passion, but more focus and wisdom, so that we might more clearly discern the places toward which God is and will be calling us. 

I feel—as I near the second Sunday of not preaching, leading worship, and involvement in all other interrelational/pastoral duties—like I am now in 4th gear; still cruising at a pretty high rate of speed, but beginning to notice a slight deceleration. I'm looking for 3rd, and will let you know when I find it.


  1. I found shifting gears a little easier when I decided to seek God as the Native Americans sought and KNEW God, without the bible, without the guidance of others and only the guidance of their hearts and nature.

    Sometimes when we seek God with the heart of a child, yet with the wisdom of a man, we find the truth and freedom.

    Below is a quote from a Pawnee Chief from this website:

    "In the beginning of all things, wisdom and knowledge were with the animals, for Tirawa, the One Above, did not speak directly to man. He sent certain animals to tell men that he showed himself through the beast, and that from them, and from the stars and the sun and moon should man learn.. all things tell of Tirawa.

    All things in the world are two. In our minds we are two, good and evil. With our eyes we see two things, things that are fair and things that are ugly... We have the right hand that strikes and makes for evil, and we have the left hand full of kindness, near the heart. One foot may lead us to an evil way, the other foot may lead us to a good. So are all things two, all two."

    Eagle Chief (Letakos-Lesa) - Pawnee

    God Bless you in your journey to meditate, breath deep the mysteries of God, and gear down.

  2. Back from CREDO and it was awesome. I am in the office now and in fourth gear. So, it was as you have heard.

    Last quote of the conference, "I am not what happened to me, but how I respond to God's call." Amen.

    Praying for you and yours as you down shift.
