Friday, September 11, 2015


We add the prefix,
pronouncing a single word
so easily, sure we understand
all the "re" there is to know.

Telling the story over and over,
whether it's out loud
to the same person
or different folks,

or silently pushing the rewind
and replay buttons in our hearts
and minds, we have a firm grasp
on the repetitive nature
of reliving events from the past,
whether they were in our own past
or somewhere before or beyond that.

But what about the "member"?
What dimension does it add
to the word's meaning?

It's the population of a place,
group, or organization;
the peopling of a particular narrative.

To bring a story back to life –
to remember  is to keep
its characters alive in your life;

to call the roll and hear members
from the past answer,
"Present and accounted for."

Their voices won't likely
vibrate your eardrums,
their physicality probably
won't cast a visible shadow;

but your heart will hear and see
them as loud and large as ever.
When you bring them back this way,
I hope you'll find ways
to endure the regrets and
pain their parting still causes.

I pray you'll listen for a story
of your future into which
they're re-membering you;
a story written in the font
of grace before you were born.

© 2015 Todd Jenkins