Thursday, August 20, 2015


"Let our hearts not be hardened 
to those living on the margin.
There is room at the table for everyone.
This is where it all begins, 

this is how we gather in.
There is room at the table for everyone."
(from Carrie Newcomer's "Room at the Table")

Why do we need it?
How much is enough?

The irony of our current
political climate's disdain
for government is this:

the more ruthless and self-serving
the monetarily-motivated become,
the more government we need
to prevent mortal pillaging
of the powerless and voiceless;

and the more government
complexity/bureaucracy we have,
the less flexible and
efficient it becomes.

Privatization for profit
is not the answer.

Public discourse and
community restoration,
where all are invited
to the table, are.

Where is the off-button
for our escalating insanity?
Will we find both it and
the courage to act
more responsibly before
an implosion point is reached?

© 2015 Todd Jenkins


  1. Reading this while touring the paradox that is India, confronting both cultural wealth and human destitution within spitting distance of each other.
    Thank you for your distillation.

    1. Thank you, Dan. Traveling mercies for you all. May you find hope and courage for what lies ahead, as you journey far from home.
