Thursday, May 29, 2014

Liquid Prayer

When two or more hearts beat in rhythm,
hope from the ocean's depth
defies gravity and pulses skyward,
seeking to be free.

The eyes have an escape route built-in -
thank you very much, God -
an aqueduct for release.

Those who've experienced
the true strength of Love's
vulnerability know better than
to struggle against the flow.

Instead, we simply pause
to revel in the power of their salty gift,
trusting in divine Grace
to unpack every scared and sacred plea.
Painting of Camp NaCoMe bridge by Ruben Torres
© 2014 Todd Jenkins


  1. Please, when you share a photo or painting, identify the setting. Is this one the re-constructed bridge at your church camp?

    1. Yes, this is a painting (photo of a painting) that Ruben Torres created for Camp Nacome last summer.
