Saturday, May 3, 2014


Loaf and cup call your name,
pleading for you to become
one with something larger than self,
something that both precedes you
and will far outlast you.

Give up the small self
that knows and controls,
but also hides and fears.

Receive the bread and wine
that pull you into both
your own pain and suffering
and the world's, but also
bid your fractured shards to rise
into the family of faith,

to both eat and drink grace
and become food for those
whose brokenness dares
to come out of hiding
in the presence of yours.

Yes, rise by dying,
not on your own terms,
but those of Love, because
it is the only path to resurrection,
the shared hope for all of creation.

Photo by Todd Jenkins
 © 2014 Todd Jenkins

1 comment:

  1. It is very important in my faith journey to be a member of a congregation which observes open communion. Thank you, Todd, for leading such a congregation.
