Monday, March 18, 2013

Punctuating Space

In a world glutted with sound and words,
faith is practicing attention to
punctuation and space.

Commas, the breathing marks of life.
Periods give us pause
to recognize thoughts completed,
momentary silence to absorb their meaning.

Colons call forth declarations:
important names, lists.
Semi-colons help us connect related statements;
or hold nearly complete thoughts in tension;
recognizing the paradox of our existence.

Quotation marks connect us to
stories we’ve spoken and heard
with our own mouths and ears.
Apostrophes bring words together,
and teach us possession,
so we remember to whom we belong. 

Exclamations points are Eucharistic eurekas!
Then there are the ever-present
question marks, reminding us 
of wonder’s gift and its path to the Holy.

Each mark of punctuation –
in its own way – defines, combines,
and limits strings of words, making room
for spaces in between;
places whose breath
offers us a glimpse of God. 

© 2013 Todd Jenkins


  1. Why the title "Tuesday's Muse"? It doesn't really matter, I guess. 'Just curious here.
    It is good to have life punctuated with your musings AND your photography.

  2. It started out as a once-weekly e-mail to a small group of friends, congregation members, and pastor-friends. Tuesday was the day I committed to make it happen. Now, it seems, it's at least twice most weeks, sometimes more.

    Glad you are enjoying pics and poems. I'm in the process of publishing a set of 63 of them; should be ready sometime in April. I'm following the pic & poem format, plus a Scripture to go with each one.
