Thursday, March 28, 2013


A guest blog from my daughter:

When you love, you
sow resilient little seeds
deeply into your heart.

They blossom radiantly;
lovely buds and blooms
you have given of yourself
to nurture and protect.

When this love has been uprooted,
you till, vigorously, the soil
of your tender heart,
upturning a fresh bed
and leaving no visible trace
of root, stem, or crushed petal
to fall underfoot as you
trudge along determined to rebuild.

New seeds are planted,
and though it is with doubt,
you allow yourself to
tenderly cultivate anew.

However, the perfumed fragrance
of old love will linger long after
the flora has withered.

You cannot completely uproot
everything; every once in a while,
you will find an old flower
has stubbornly clung to its bed
and pushes its way up
among the new rows.

Let these few seeds remain.
Do not uproot everything
simply for the sake of ripping
from the root a small reminder
of your vulnerability and trust.

Instead, cherish the fact that
you allowed yourself to sow
a love so deeply that
a part of it will always remain.

Enjoy this occasional reminder
of beauty and brokenness,
as you grow in new and better ways.

© 2013 Holly Jane Jenkins

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