Saturday, December 12, 2015


Somewhere Along the Blue Ridge Parkway
There lies, deep within
the human heart -- yours,
mine, and everyone else's --
a vision and desire
for how life is supposed
to be lived;

images of connection
without coercion,
dreams of enough
without competition,
hunger for community
without uniformity,

thirst for intimacy
without betrayal,
hope for understanding
without judgment,
longing for love
without condition.

All this is within us;
divine spark planted
before we were born.

There is but one impediment
to our bringing this vision
to life: fear.

Fear is a liar.

That is why so many stories
of divine encounter begin
with the holy plea,
"Fear not!"

Now is the time for us
to live from the deep places;
to rise up to the grace
for which we were created.

© 2015 Todd Jenkins

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