Monday, December 15, 2014


The paths we trod and daily beat,
though we are convinced
are constructed with our own
good efforts to reach God,

may well turn out to be
the clearing of the vines
and brambles that separate us

from the selves we've settled for
and the ones we've spent
our lives convincing others
are the real us.

It just might be that,
once we journey
through the wilderness
to our honest selves,

we will find that God
has been there all along,
patiently waiting for us
to show up to the life
for which we were created.

Wouldn't that be
a joyful homecoming?

© 2014 Todd Jenkins


  1. interesting enough I had just read this quote: "Just showing up doesn't get the job done." -- Sheriff John T. Chance, played by John Wayne, in Rio Bravo.

  2. I guess showing up where God has called trumps showing up with the Duke. :-)
