Thursday, October 9, 2014


Just exactly how, when,
and how much we allow
the fire burning inside us
to be revealed to the world
is different for everyone.

We can launch it with rage,
and hurl shallow expletives
like live hand grenades,
seeking to escape its flame
by finding someone else to blame.

Or we can bury it deep within,
covering it with masks or chemicals,
ashamed to lay our claim.

Or we can find an appropriate outlet,
channeling our passion
into something therapeutic,
if not cathartic.

And then there are those of us
whose prescription seems to be
the dangerous work of shaping
thought, emotion, and meaning
with the elemental blocks of words.

When your blood is the color
of ink, who's to say exactly
which you're spilling,
and how much is too much
or how little is not enough?

© 2014 Todd Jenkins


  1. Ouch -- that is me -- where I live!

  2. Started a new journal...and this poem is going to be pasted in it. Someday, I want to find the words or the image like you. But first to find the time. And the courage. And the strength inside. Peace to you.

  3. Time, courage, strength: let them come from the grace of knowing you are enough as you are, and from listening to the voice that feels both deep within you yet also beyond you. That's the recipe that I try to use.

    1. Thanks, I will write that down. Have a good day and thanks for the recipe :)
