Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Leap of Faith

“Leap” is often a stretch, not in
a lunging toward the sky kind of way,
but more like hyperbole.

It’s not usually about peeling rubber
into the darkness like a drag racer,
but more about taking one step
at a time beyond visibility;

looking back to see
if God’s presence can be discerned;
and listening forward
toward the darkness, seeking
to discern God’s whisper.
Photo of Dark Island by Lee Lindsey McKinney

© 2014 Todd Jenkins


  1. Jewish tradition holds that when the Children of Israel were at the shores of the Red Sea and the Egyptians were closing in, Moses held up his staff to part the Sea and nothing happened... until one person stepped forward. Faith in isn't taking a step when the way is clear. It's taking the step when it isn't. Your poem reminded me of that.

    1. Oh, yes! That is what it feels like so often, to me. Who's willing to step out onto ground that we can't even be sure is solid, or may not even be ground at all?
