Thursday, June 19, 2014

Left the Building

Elvis did it, and folks
have been talking about it
and looking for him ever since.

Expectation, hope, and energy
give imaginations wanderlust
as the next sighting is anticipated.

As followers of the risen Christ 
passed faith's torch to generations,
the Greek name "ecclesia" stuck:
church, or "the called-out ones".

Now, we casually use that noun
to describe architectural structures,
sometimes forgetting the body
of people whom messiah calls out.

Give us hearts and ears, O God,
to answer, so it may once again
be said and seen in word and deed,
"The church has left the building!"

© 2014 Todd Jenkins

1 comment:

  1. I love this message. It reinforces the teachings of the book we recently read, "The Neighborhood Church. "
