Thursday, October 31, 2013


A menudo se distribuye desde la pluma al papel      
con poca consideración por las consecuencias
de las palabras, frases y significados que se forma.

It is often dispensed from pen to paper
with little regard for the implications
of the words, phrases and meanings it forms.

Sin embargo, cuando se escribe con el corazón,
es la sangre que fluye de la vena a la página,
y nos abre a los planes y propósitos
trascendiendo nuestro limitado entendimiento.

But when we write with our hearts,
it is blood that flows from vein to page,
and opens us to plans and purposes
transcending our limited understanding.

Que la tinta de las venas mientras forma
nuestras firmas en esta alianza,
enlace nuestros corazones en uno
a través de tu gracia
y para tu gloria, Señor;
que nuestros sueños se inspiren en el tuyo;
que nuestra misión refleje tu esperanza.

May the ink of our veins, as it forms
our signatures on this covenant,
bind our hearts to one another,
through your grace
and to your glory, O Lord;
may our dreams be inspired by yours;
may our mission reflect your hope.

© 2013 Todd Jenkins


  1. This is wonderful -- is it one that I could "re-post" ???

    1. Yes, feel free to repost. Living Waters for the World just singed a covenant with Guatemala's Presbyterian Church to support one another in helping to bring clean water to all God's children, and I've had the privilege to participate in that 2-year (ongoing) process.
