Monday, October 14, 2013


From all of the things we believe
will protect us from all of the things
we believe we need protecting from;

from words fired as missiles
in retaliation against an imagined army
with real soldiers aiming
betrayals, shame, and guilt our way;

from walls, fences, locked doors,
and alarm systems we believe
will protect us from the inhumanity
of creatures whose hope has been
so torched by the steeply stacked deck
of status quo that our possessions
are valued above our connection;

from unspeakable and escalating violence
that pocks the earth with its meteoric craters
in our attempt to force peace
upon a sea tossed by the roar
of words aimed past each other;

from a constant segmenting and scheduling
of time and busyness that stealthily disappear
like water past a leaky toilet valve;

from worrying so much about
what might happen tomorrow
that  joy cannot be released
from the prison cell 
of today's safety deposit box;

from ego that pairs selective amnesia
and imagined omniscience to propel
self to a number-one draft pick
in a game whose championship
is actually an infinite grace-fest;

protect us, O Lord!

© 2013 Todd Jenkins

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