Sunday, September 15, 2013

The 1

And those who owned the 99
were so surprised that
they were also the 1.

Of course, we are capable
of participating in the search
for another 1; on those occasions
when our own 1-ness  has been
woven into the fold once more

by the shepherd who
never ceases searching
and is always ready to weave
our exhausted, broken selves
back into the fabric of community.

Being the 1 always catches us
by surprise, when we realize that,
no matter how much we have,
how much we've done,
how great we are, we are still the 1;

the 1 who has convinced himself
that he’s invincible; the 1 who is sure
she has more of life figured out
than anyone else; the 1 whose words
say, “We’re all in this together.”
but whose attitudes and actions scream,
“I’m better than the rest of you!”;

as well as the 1 who
is sure that no matter how much
he does for others, the deep truth
of his own self is not worthy
of being found and celebrated;
neither by God nor anyone else.

Here’s the catch: the shepherd
will never give-up on us;
will pursue us to the ends of the earth;
to the end of our life and beyond;

because he’s the one who knows our true worth –
who knows why we were made
and what we’re created for.
We’re all priceless coins in God’s eyes.

So, the question is really
whether we're going to join
in the celebration when
God finds us again today,

or whether we're going to insist
that we've never been lost,
because we own the 99.

No matter how much we have,
no matter how many other
lost ones we’re helping search for,
we still need to let ourselves be found,
again, today, and every day.

© 2013 Todd Jenkins

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