Tuesday, July 23, 2013


It’s our hound of the Baskervilles,
pursuing across the moors
of all our hells; hot breath
on our heels, ever ready
to pounce upon our fleeing spirits.

All the while we run, breathless,
with coronary percussion
nearly shattering eardrums,
as we imagine divine retribution
for the worst of who we are,
carried as hideous secret
between self and God.

The assault turns out to be,
not angry attack, but long-lost love;
canine slobbering reunion,
welcoming us to the gift of forgiveness,
which we've mistaken as surprise party.

It’s the offering we have
repeatedly and summarily dismissed.
In spite of the hope-engraved invitation,
messiah-delivered daily, we've settled
for the guilt of accusations addressed
only to "Current Occupant".

When will we realize
that the only pursuit that matters
is the steadfast one of Grace?

© 2013 Todd Jenkins


  1. "coronary percussion"
    and "canine slobbering reunion"....I love these! Both really relay the feeling/experience. :)
