Thursday, July 4, 2013

In Dependence

Though it may feel like
a courageously climbed mountain,
independence is more
of a slippery slope.

Each of its manifestations comes
with a price; each release
attaches a sometimes-invisible tether.

Country to country,
economy to economy,
people to people;
no piper goes unpaid.

There's really only one
freedom that's free –
that doesn't entangle the universe
in a throat-grasping imbalance of desperation.

It's not the freedom
to choose what others can’t,
not the freedom
to have what others don't.

It's the freedom to be
who others can't:
the one true, connected self
of voluntary gifting and dependence
for which God created you.

© 2013 Todd Jenkins

1 comment:

  1. Most of the time, I let the Muse pictures choose me. I scroll through the growing collection of my accidental photographs and the ones that speak to me like puppies at the Humane Society, when friends post them. Later, after they've been paired and posted, I sometimes go back to them and see things I didn't notice at first. I just noticed how this picture, from the neighborhood fireworks extravaganza at a friend's Tims Ford cabin in 2011, looks like a lower case "i", which parallels the poem's call to see the case of self in perspective to the case of God.
