Sunday, January 22, 2012


Paraclete is the transliteration for the Greek word (παρακλέτας) Bible translators render in English as “Holy Spirit.” It literally means, “one who is called alongside; helper; or advocate.” Why do we need such assistance?

As time, life, and culture wear on us, we become less and less attuned to and aware of our own spiritual nature. We need rejuvenating regularly because it is difficult to live faith and believe its countercultural claims for more than seven days in a row without help and reinforcement. We would like to believe that civilization has progressed immensely since the Israelites were slaves in Egypt, but the truth of the matter is that Pharaoh’s brickyards are alive and well in the 21st century.

“Church” is designed to gather weekly as reinforcement of God’s life-giving messages of hope, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and love; and as a reminder of the ways these resurrecting gifts free us from giving allegiance to and claiming our identification from the brickyard’s shackles. Paraclete is the conduit for these transformative messages; it is right there beside you, helping! Can you feel it now?

© 2012 Todd Jenkins

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