Tuesday, November 4, 2014

E Pluribus Unum

"Out of many, one."
We're from the government
and we're here to help;

from the presbytery, the church,
the neighborhood, the community.
We're all in this together.

Help; when you want it;
when you need it;
when you'll accept it;
even when you won't.

One beggar telling another beggar
where to find bread.

If we don't find ways
to keep ourselves in this together,
we'll find ourselves out of it, apart.
E Pluribus Unum.

© 2014 Todd Jenkins


  1. Reminds me of Jim Wallis' talk in Huntsville yesterday: what the faith community has to offer (among other things) is a call to remember and to builds for the common good.

  2. Wonderful!! Thanks.
