Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Did you ever stop to think
how the world might be different
if the people who designed
some of the amazing things
we take for granted had done so
in completely different ways?

Take time, for instance,
instead of letting it always take you.
What if our calendars and clocks,
were attuned to the solar system
rather than atomically rhythmic?

What if the hands on our watches
sped up and slowed down
to match both the seasons
and our particular location
on the planet, leaving us
with forever-flexing hours, but
completely predictable tides and moons?

A man in Alaska during the summer
would shake his auto-winder
or try to replace his digital batteries
as drudging, hourly-paid labor
seemed to be frozen.

A woman in Argentina's winter
would wonder where the time flew
as she tried to accomplish
her daily to-do list.

But maybe that's our experience
anyway, as our focus
and perspective wax and wane.

Perhaps it’s our enslavement
to metered predictability
that stands between our hearts
and the surprising path
to unpredictable joy.

Photo by Lee Lindsey McKinney

© 2014 Todd Jenkins

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