Monday, January 13, 2014


Photo by Lee Lindsey McKinney

Introverts are not nearly
as afraid to speak and hear
as you might imagine.

We do, however,
value words to the point
that more of them will not be added

to a time and place before
the echo of those previously spoken
has faded and their wisdom been absorbed.

So, if you're interested
in knowing our story,
you might elicit its unfolding

by honoring your own tales
with a little more space
than might seem necessary.

Who knows what deeps
we'll find ourselves
treasured into?

© 2013 Todd Jenkins


  1. That says so clearly what I think often and cannot shape into words (and I do a lot of word-crafting!!!) thank you so much.

    1. Thank you, Maren. It's been on my heart for 40+ years!
