Monday, May 6, 2013


Sometimes, what you believe to be
a no-strings-attached overture
turns out to be refused by
those to whom you offer it.

You can take it personally,
blaming your would-be guests
for not showing up,
but that negates the very
purpose of the endeavor;
which is much more aligned with
a freely extended gift, than expectation.

Hospitality is Grace's vehicle;
a bus with limitless seating capacity
and infinite amenities that patiently
circles the neighborhood daily.

It is seldom rushed and never
gives up, because it knows
what possibilities lie within
persistence's reach – opportunity
to experience creation's ultimate gift – 
a holy shift toward knowing and being known.

© 2013 Todd Jenkins


  1. What I like about this is the recognition that hospitality must be considered from the GUEST's point of view, not just the generous host's.

  2. That's the way it feels to me, Kay. When we only consider it from our own perspective, it is much more entertainment than hospitality.
