Thursday, August 4, 2011


Rowan Williams tells us to take the risk of hospitality. When we turn to the Rule of St. Benedict, we are shown the fullness of what hospitality can mean. It is not merely the open door or the open gate that offers warmth, food, and drink, but also the open heart offering acceptance and love, and not least the open mind ready and willing to listen and to receive and exchange. St. Benedict tells us to give a welcome to all who come because we see in them the figure of Christ himself. This means not judging or labeling, not being critical or competitive, not imprisoning the other in our demands and expectations.

[Esther de Waal. To Pause at the Threshold: Reflections on Living on the Border (Kindle Locations 169-173). Kindle Edition.]

Hospitality isn't the willingness to accommodate people who show up to our house if (and only if) they are willing to play by OUR rules. This is actually closer to the definition of HOSTILITY. Hospitality is leaving the light on to welcome ANYBODY who shows up and joyfully learning how to play, sing, worship, and eat by THEIR customs and culture.

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