It’s amazing how connected it’s all become. What started out as 1987-1990 seminary classmates and neighbors in Decatur, GA, has now reached all over Middle Tennessee, numerous parts of Mississippi, and touched most of the rest of the continental 48, not to mention Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Cuba, Peru, Ghana, Laos, and at least 14 other countries. The web is being spun by Living Waters for the World, Clean Water U, and all of the people and organizations that it has brought together and sent out in the name of Jesus Christ, who is living water for our bodies and souls.
In little more than 2 ½ years, I have found myself connected to people who know people who know people… I’d even venture to predict that, if Living Waters for the World continues to expand at anything near its current pace and continues to provide connections for organizations and communities across the globe, there will be a day in the very near future when the notion of “Six Degrees of Separation” will become too limiting a concept, and someone will posit that it’s probably more like three or even two.
Think about it. Someone from your church or civic club goes to Clean Water U or CWU-West, and makes a connection with 40 or 50 other people from across the USA and the world. Then they come back and form a LWW team, perhaps partnering with folks from a nearby town, traveling thousands of miles to develop a relationship with a school, hospital, church, or community center of a village in a developing country. You maintain those ties, eventually bringing your international partners to visit your hometown, and maybe even get them to attend Clean Water U. Do you see the silk stretching? Do you feel the vibration when someone on the other side of the world picks up a bottle of clean water?
I do!
© 2009 Todd Jenkins
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