Wednesday, July 22, 2015


We often believe others will recognize their behavior toward us as unacceptable if we mirror it back to them, so they can feel the pain. Here's the secret: they've already felt that pain, and probably know it all too well, because they learned it from someone who treated them the same way. What we all need to feel more of is unconditional love.
Photo by Jerry Gorman
If you want them – and you – to grow beyond transactional and reflective relationships, show them what it feels like to be appreciated for little things, to be given the benefit of the doubt, to be believed without interrogation, to be accepted – not because they flawlessly meet another’s expectation – but because they share an imperfect desire to be loved as they are; and through this acceptance, to be nurtured toward more.

These are signposts along the journey toward joy. They are the gifts we can daily unwrap; the manna on which we can mutually feast in our relationships.  

© 2015 Todd Jenkins

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