Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Photo by Jennie Roberts Jenkins

The feels we have are filtered ones,
always subject, like UV,
to the glasses of the life we've lived;

each as unique as our particular story;
none even close to a carbon copy.
Yours are yours, mine are mine,
no one authorized to invalidate them,
including our very own selves.

The best we can do – the way forward –
is to give them free reign deep inside;
to let them unfurl, unhindered,
within the confines of our soul.

Give them the pen/keyboard,
so they may fully convey
deepest and richest passion
to our narrative's protagonist.

Then read the story again.
When we find the earlier chapters
from which they are foreshadowed,
and the already-trod ground
from which they're fertilized,

we will begin to see how
they may be woven into
this week's chapter healthfully.

© 2015 Todd Jenkins

1 comment:

  1. :) Love the last stanzas..."Then read the story again..." and how the poem ends with "healthfully."
