Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Broken Hearted

How is it that our hearts
seem whole before they know
anything but self and same?

Yet when they break
with fear and pain,
they open-up, revealing
what we've longed for
since the beginning:

courage to risk being known
for who we truly are –
nothing more and nothing less –
and letting others come and go at will,

with little more than hope
that who we are is enough
to warrant love's return,
not because it's earned,
but because it's freely offered.

These are the maddening,
yet passionate ways of the one
who turns us loose upon the world
with nothing but everything that's grace,
tucked deep within our hungry spirits.

So, when you put yourself out there
and fear begs you to retreat,
remember that love is not a rare elixir
to capture or hoard, but a universal way
of cracking ourselves open to the gift
that already lies within us.

© 2013 Todd Jenkins

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